Friday, September 10, 2010

New Post------------finally…

Got my new 20” monitor and this is the first thing I’m doing with it.  Somehow in the process of hooking up everything, I lost two of my icons.  I can’t figure out how to get them back.

My new keyboard is great, except I have to reach one key further to “enter” and I usually hit the ‘ key first,  My pinkie is a tad short.

We’re both fine.  Dad has a lot of fatigue which shall go away in a few weeks (or months).  He has to take a good nap after lunch, and he doesn't like it one bit.  That and growing old makes him a bit “techy” sometimes.

This big screen is going to take a bit of getting used to. Did I just end a sentence with a preposition?  Bad.  Bad.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Elder Shelley, are you out there? I don't know what I'm doing here! Grandma

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Great News…..

The neurosurgeon recommended “fractal radiation” (might have misspelled that one) instead of surgery—for now.  He will go for probably five weeks, every weekday for micro bursts of radiation up in Olympia.  He’ll go back to the same place he got radiation treatments for one of his cancers.  He’ll get tired  of that drive, but we both like the idea of no surgery.

Lis, you won’t need to fly down to hold my hand and drive me to see your dad in the hospital, and we will surely miss you.  Remember that we will love a visit from you at any time, as we would your sisters and brother, etc.  Thank you so much for making that offer to come down.  We love you.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Return of the Alien…

Newel’s pituitary tumor has returned as big (or bigger) than last time.  He noticed something wrong in his peripheral vision.  His doctor had him get an MRI and when we took it to the neurologist, we got to see it.  I didn’t even have to ask where is was.  It’s at least the size of a walnut. Our hearts beat a little faster; we knew what this meant—another surgery just like the one four years ago.

The really good surgeon who performed the last operation is long gone, but our neurologist rates the two others in Olympia highly.  We’re just waiting for an appointment for an interview with one of them.  The other one is booked through June, and we just can’t let that tumor grow for that long.  It’s already impacting the optic nerve.  It’s also reaching up into his brain.  That’s a no-no.

We’re both concerned, but since we’ve been through this once before, we know what to expect and aren’t as freaked out about it.  Those are my words, describing my reactions, Newel’s would probably be a bit more sanguine.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Journal entry:

Since I can’t find my 2010 journal anymore, this will take it’s place.  It may be old news to others by now, but Janet had our 15th grandchild on April 27th—a girl named Inge Elise.  Eric sent me pictures, and she is a chubby little cherub! 

What caught my eye (after Inge, of course) was the look on Britta’s face in each photo where she is looking at her new baby sister. I can’t put it exactly into words—there was a look of wonder, of tenderness, and maybe a little left-over fear from viewing the birth.  It was a whole new experience for her.  I just loved the look on her face; it kept drawing me to her in each photo.  I wanted to pick her up and hold her.

I’m really looking forward to holding Inge and seeing her with her eyes wide open.  I can’t tell who she  looks like yet.  It’s good to have one more baby in the family because the older grandkids are growing up too fast and taking their first steps out into the world—away from grandma!

Bryce is about ready to fly to Hamburg, Germany, if he isn’t there already.  He spent the requisite time in the MTC, where they educated him  about his new mission—the culture, the language, and how to be a good missionary.  I’m really looking forward to hearing from him and he progresses.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Morphine Standoff

I have come to the realization that there is a cost to pain relief.  The more pain relief I get, the less brain power I have.  I’m going to keep my morphine level where it is now because I’m alarmed at how it interferes with talking and thinking.  I stutter and stammer, embarrassing me and making me reluctant to enter a conversation.  That is anathema to a chatter-box like me!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Exit the Pain in the Butt?

I think I’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, and it isn’t an oncoming train!  Today is my first day with no oral meds at all.  The doctor is adjusting my morphine doses upwards, slowly, and I’m allowed to give myself three bolus doses a day.

Now, all I need is some energy and stamina and VOILA, the old ME will be back in business.

I love Janet’s “J and Crew” blog page, but it makes mine SUCK!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Deed is Done

Yesterday I got stabbed in my back and in my lower abdomen—at least that’s what it feels like!  All went well, and it’s all over except for the healing.  I won’t be able to tell how effective it is as a pain reliever until I heal.

Thank you all for your prayers and concerns.  It means a lot to be to have so much love shown to me.

I will have some control over the device with an exterior control, but I have to READ the instructions: Argggggggggggg!  Eric, where are you when I need you!  Don’t worry, I’ll call a representative of the company that makes these and let them explain.

Well, one thing I have learned about all these years of continuous pain: I understand people who are ‘long suffering’ better.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Friday is “de day”.  I get the implant at 10:30 a.m. and should be home by mid-afternoon if all goes well.  I would be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling fear and trepidation, but I have to try this one last trick at the bottom of the doctor’s bag.  It’s either this or face taking pain killers for the rest of my life.  I guess there is another choice—no drugs at all.  I’d get my brain back, but I don’t know if I could life with constant pain.

Your prayers would be appreciated.

Love, Mom

Sunday, February 7, 2010

3rd morphine try

It was useless.  I don’t know how big of a dose he gave me, but it didn’t seem to have any effect except to make me spacey.  I called him later to tell  him my dismal report, and he said  not to worry about it, that the implant WILL work.  He said the shots of morphine are just requirements of the insurance companies.  Go figure!

He does implants at a hospital in Tacoma the first Wednesday of every month and I may be able to get mine in March.  It had better work or I’m going to be one unhappy dude-grandmother!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wheel got greased


Finally, I got hold of Dr Li and we made an appointment (for tomorrow afternoon) for my last morphine trial.  After that I should be able to set the appointment for the implant.  Oh, Lord, I hope it works!