Yesterday we showed our house for the last time in 2009 to a couple with no kids (still at home) and two horses. They absolutely loved the place and want it. They just have to sell their house in ???. I can’t remember the name of the town they live in here in western Washington.
We have Jennifer looking at a house we found on the internet in Alpine. It was built in 1974, which is older than I like, but if it’s in good shape and we can make it into something we can love….
But there are still the two big “IFs”: they have to lower their asking price on their house the sell it, and we have to find something we both like to live in.
We put it in the hands of the Lord a long time ago, and so far, the dominoes are falling in order. Oh, there’s another big “IF”—if they make and offer that we can accept!